Monday, May 23, 2011

Evolution of Class Motivation

Motivation is extremely important to completing a college course with a good grade and actual knowledge of the material. Unfortunately, for many of us, that motivation is not constant throughout the 15 week semester. Here's a look at how my class ambition fluctuates throughout the semester:

Day 1
Alright! Here we go! First day of Holy Crap this Shit is Gonna Be Hard 101. I can do this. I have my book, an organized binder with lots of paper and I know that what I learn in this class is the foundation for every class I take after this. I'm going to need to review my notes after every class, make flash cards, and ask lots of questions. Bring it on Professor Arrogant.

Week 2
It's ok. I haven't studied at all yet but I'm not that far behind. I have no idea what the hell the professor is talking about but I have time before the first test. Triple integrals? It's just three times the thing between the funny symbol and dx? Right? RIGHT?

Day Before the First Test
FFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK! Ok, for real this time. Time to get down and study. I'll do it all night if I have to. Force equals mass times acceleration. Got it. Let's try practice problem 1. Tittle Shits! I can't ask the professor about this now, I was supposed to do this the first week! And Omar, the 11 year old genius who skipped high school isn't any help either.
You're fuckin' fucked.

Day Before Last Test
Alright, alright. I got one bad grade on that first one, but I straightened out a bit and I've been studying fairly consistently. Kinda. Not really. But at least I understand this stuff a little better and I've been getting higher grades. I just need to do good on this and the final exam and I'm all set. Let me just review my notes.

A Few Days After the Final Exam
I hope I passed. I hope I passed. I hope I passed. I hope I passed. I hope I passed. I hope I passed.  

I PASSED! I'M A GENIUS! Everyone in that class was struggling so hard. Pshh... It was easy for me. 


  1. lolz you sound like me when I was sitting my Cisco exams!

  2. I'm forever alone. so I lost hope on motivation. (

  3. ppssshhhh at least YOU passed.

  4. Haha. You pretty much nailed it.

  5. During my college days.... you have no idea how true this is.

    Only in my last college semester did I actually wise up and learn to study on time.

  6. Wow, this legit describes me in every class I've ever taken, this should be like printed on a poster and put in every class.

  7. I followed this paradigm almost to the letter with some courses in college.

  8. Sounds like me. lol

  9. Notes? What are notes?

    Oh, you mean those things I didn't do....

  10. lol it's so true, though honestly it's like every week. monday = I'M GONNA BE SO PRODUCTIVE THIS WEEK LOOK AT ME GETTING STUFF DONE. by wednesday = KILL ME NOW FUUUUU

  11. So typical with me back then. I knew the key is to do homework, practice & solve problems everyday. But keep that constantly is so hard.

  12. Pretty motivational stuff right here!
    Haha. Thanks for another great post.

  13. Motivational very good post keep it up.

  14. wow this reminds me of the good ol' college days

  15. simply the truth

  16. nic stuff, the last gif was funny as hell ^^

  17. Passing is passing ;D

  18. LOL... I can relate ALOT actually.

  19. Lol thats just like me! I always push stuff off.

  20. I remember 1st day of school. Was a long time ago.

  21. i've always hated school... but not as much as work..!!

  22. I always prayed for an earthquake before exams.

  23. Definition of my life in high school. Seriously.

  24. I love that .GIF file. I haven't actually gone to college yet so I don't know what this is like, but I can definitely imagine as much haha.
