Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pen Spinning

So pen spinning is one of those useless skills that just looks cool and is a great way to kill time (and to get through an especially boring class). I've been practicing this stuff for a little over a year after one of my college buddies taught me the basic "thumb around". And while I'm nowhere close to the skill of these guys in the video I hope that one day I will be. I may even make my own video showcasing where a year of practice can get you. Has anyone else heard of this before or started practicing themselves? It's somewhat common on my college campus; I even think I helped spread it with my constant spinning between note taking. I even had a professor who was into it.


  1. I remember trying to learn how to do these back when i was a senior in high school.
    Lots of cramps. LoL

  2. I write with them. Cool vid, though. followed.

  3. That was an awesome video. Holy shit. I'm never getting any work done in class again.

  4. AHAHAH i watch i try time and still laughing...

  5. I would rather write with them.

  6. I can spin it on my thumb thats it, some chinese kid in my class taught me and he would do those tricks just not as well all the time during classes its hard to learn but fun to know

  7. Yeah, it's hard getting through the initial hurdle of "I'm gonna drop this pencil 100 times for every one time I do it right" but if you stick with it you get more and more consistent.

  8. pen tricks were insanely popular in russia, back when i lived there.. I'm not even sure why haha, but i still find them pretty cool

  9. I remember trying to get good at this to kill time in class, never worked so well lol.

  10. Wow that is pretty amazing. I have tried for a while but could never get it down.

  11. It would be neat to get it down so well. I'll wager there are even competitions for it.

  12. lol, I can't do that......yet! no seriously, who does that...

  13. He's better than me, no doubt.

  14. Man, without pencil spinning I probably wouldn't have been able to get through school. Well, until they stopped caring so much and I just listened to music in class all the time.

  15. Love pen spinning, burns time in class.

  16. they make it look so easy... I remember trying to do it for a long time and failing D:

  17. Haha dude, I wanna do penspinning again now, I stop when I was, like, in 7th grade haha

  18. Grr... I had a friend in highschool that could do this. I could never manage to do it no matter how much I practiced, then she'd take the pen from me and show off this insane trick. Good times. :/

  19. That's awesommmeeee, i can do a simple version of that :)

  20. Haha that's brilliant, I wish I had the patience to practice that...but I don't!

  21. funny how you post this. I used to be really into this. if you look in 2007 WC, I was in it for ucpsb :) you may know me as zblader

  22. I would never do this. Nice post, keep up :)

  23. I totally had a friend doing this is my work study class, it was pretty impressive. He would spin it, have it go airborne bouncing off a wall nearby, then back in his hand, continuing to spin. It was magical. I will be following!

  24. that was flipping awesome man!

  25. that's so crazy! I wish i could do that.

  26. I learned something from that video!

    i love pen spinning!

  27. It's cool I guess, didn't now people could do stuff like that.

  28. kid in my class always does that. i get so jelly

  29. They may be able to pen spin, but put em in a room with a girl and they will curl up into a ball. Nice vid though.

  30. the glowing cards were better

  31. Already tried it when I still in school and failed. I never can do this spin ;_;

  32. These guys are talented!

  33. this would completly distract me while in class, id tell him to stop ;p
