Saturday, May 21, 2011

3 Unfortunate Truths of the Internet

The internet has fundamentally changed the world's communication, commerce, and culture. Without it, the current world would be so different that we probably wouldn't recognize it; credit cards wouldn't exist as we know them, memes would spread through print media, and communication would return to a snail's pace. But with the good comes the bad. Here are some unfavorable side-effects of the internet on our lives:

1. Procrastination is Easier than Ever
How many of you are putting off something right now? Probably a lot. It's easy to see why, the world wide interweb is full of all sorts of time-consuming goodies: blogs, comics, the youtubes, and of course porn (procrasterbation). If there is a task to be done a large number of us will start it, go strong for a few minutes, then open our Facebook page, check our email, or see what we can find on ChatRoulette.
               Salvatore Vuono
Before it finds you.

Before the internet, our procrastination options were limited. Reading, cleaning, going outside, and generally more beneficial activities were used to put off our to-do list. Now, the opportunities for dawdling are virtually endless. We can always find something else to do, and 9 times out of 10 it involves a computer.

2. The Internet Never Forgets

Ask the Star Wars kid if the internet forgets. He'll say no. His geektacular video was posted against his will when some of his peers found this video. Because of the resulting bullying and harassment he switched schools and sued those responsible for posting it. And now it's on YouTube forever so we can laugh at his tubby, tubby self pretending to wield a dual lightsaber.
But this is something we all have to be aware of. Just about everything we post, say, and do on the web can be recalled, or saved and broadcast elsewhere should someone choose to do so. And that sucks.

 3. Rage
What if I said that all religions are retarded? Or that God hates fags? Or that I wish you were aborted? Or that puppy death is amusing? Would you get mad? Maybe. I'm sure most of us have our own buttons that, when pushed, will send send us into a fit of rage so vicious that what's left of our internal humanity is eclipsed by the ensuing onslaught of profanity, small dick insults, and declarations that your entire country is full of idiots. But who cares? Who cares if I say your dick is small, or that you'll never be the man your mother was, or anything else? Apparently a lot of us. I see trolling at its finest get people so riled up that I'm ashamed to call myself human. Who cares what someone on the other end of the internet thinks? He's on the internet, he's probably just another small dicked, unfit, pale, greedy bastard like you.
It's there. And I see it.

Moral of the story: finish the stuff you need to, be careful what you say and do, and calm the hell down. Let's have fun with the internet.


  1. Not to be too picky, but I'm pretty sure we had credit cards before the internet. We didn't use them for online sales though :)

  2. I'm really sorry if this is inappropriate but i remember this quote off by heart, "Procrastination is like Masturbation, it sure feels good but at the end of the day, your only F**king yourself".

  3. The Suit: Well as I understand it, contemporary credit cards rely on internet connections to communicate with the banking system.

    Silk: Perfect quote!

  4. They do now, but didn't always, and don't need to. Sorry, I liked the article, but I have a tendency to nitpick at details.

  5. It's totally fine. Learn something new every day as the saying goes.

  6. the internet was a good idea that went wrong

  7. All so so true, it can be a scary place when you think about it too much

  8. Screw that three what really hurts me is that -
    In MMO the more attractive female character model is, the more likely her real ID is Tom, 37 Year Old, Overweight,

  9. rage is what fuels the internet haha
    best to just not bite.

  10. hehe. that poor kid. i always look around and make sure there are no cameras before doing something silly. :P

  11. the internet never forgots :o

  12. all very true and im sure these are not the only secrets of the internet hah id love to read more if you think of anything :P

  13. ya the internet is a crazy place

  14. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

  15. great read, all three points being very true =)

  16. these tree pointz are revolutionary. YOU sir are amazing

  17. toby looks like he's about to get his rape on >.>

  18. Actually memes probably wouldn't exist. Lack of mass access to a single source would prevent them =P

  19. Benefits and disadvantages I believe. So many good things the internet brings also. Of course, you can't have the good without the bad.

  20. I think ppl will simmer down once they realise they have no talent.

    Still Star Wars boy is my hero.

  21. my god star wars kid. Where have you gone almighty warrior?

  22. The internet is the source of procrastination...i hate it so much

  23. I must agree with the procrastination part. It could not become any easier to announce the action of doing something, but now... well... it may be better left for tomorrow.... there's always tomorrow.... right?

  24. So many fails are ignorant of statement #2 LOL. Great write-up.

  25. Interesting read, and very true haha

  26. I practice this since a long time. But thanks for your advices !

  27. It's sad about this SW kid. Well... It was his choice anyway. That's why I don't post no pictures/videos with me on the web.

  28. well spoken, this are actually very interesting facts about the internet

  29. Good post and well blogged. It's so true tbh.

  30. Remember the fist time I saw Star Wars Kid, never gonna forget it

  31. R@GE is everywhere, always it's terrible! Can't even drive to the store these days... Subbed

  32. every YouTube video you see has comments of people raging in the comment box lol

  33. Great bog post, very relevant to everyone nowadays with what they post etc.. along with procrastiantion easier than ever as stated above.

  34. guilty of procrastination here....

  35. Procrastination was practically invented by the internet.

    I'm procrastinating right now!

  36. Nice deep thought. Imagine the world without internet...

  37. truee... love the peter parker pic ;)

  38. All completely true. Half an hour easily becomes 5 hours on the internet! kind of like a really bad time machine. Nice post!
